Craving more: The struggle with spiritual motherhood Let’s lay it all on the table: I’m 31, I’m not married, and I don’t have kids. But I want all of that. So. Badly. Okay, now that we’ve got that established, let’s get into the story. When “spiritual motherhood” feels like a consolation prize I’m part of […]
Like most women, I found out I was pregnant by staring down at a pregnancy test, watching the second blue line come faintly into existence. Unlike most women, I was unmarried, finishing my junior year of high school, and only 17 years old. My very first thought as I stared at the test (besides, I […]
Like most women, I found out I was pregnant by staring down at a pregnancy test, watching the second blue line come faintly into existence. Unlike most women, I was unmarried, finishing my junior year of high school, and only 17 years old. My very first thought as I stared at the test (besides, I […]
Craving more: The struggle with spiritual motherhood Let’s lay it all on the table: I’m 31, I’m not married, and I don’t have kids. But I want all of that. So. Badly. Okay, now that we’ve got that established, let’s get into the story. When “spiritual motherhood” feels like a consolation prize I’m part of […]
We're the moms behind Marian Mindset! Both of us became mothers before we felt ready for the gift of motherhood—Olivia at 17 with an unexpected pregnancy, and Hannah with surprise twins after being told she couldn’t have children. For years we struggled—yelling, threatening, and feeling like we were being punished.
But we also had the sense that motherhood wasn't meant to be like this; that God didn’t design motherhood to be a cross. Through His providence, we discovered mindset work, a practice rooted deep in Sacred Scripture and Tradition dating back to the early Church. And that work changed everything...
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